We often talk about the fact that many images can be inspired by celebrities who are similar to you in appearance. But how to do it, and is it realistic to copy the image of a famous actress, singer or fashion-blogger?

Preserving the color scheme.
The first thing we perceive when we see an image is its color palette. Trying to repeat the image, in the first place we should focus on the combination of colors.

Stylists believe that it is not even necessary to choose things with the same fabrics, prints and textures. The main thing is the color. If there will be a match in it, then half of the job is already done.

Keep in mind the practicality.
Pay attention to street style images. A jacket or coat on the top, shoes on a frightening platform or unreal high heels. Frankly, not always in such a bow you can comfortably move around the city. Therefore, inspired by celebrity images, it is worth a little adaptation for the weather and urban conditions.

The fact is that bloggers need to show the whole image, hence the uncovered outerwear. But in the city you can not always walk like that. Don’t be afraid to replace your shoes with something more comfortable, wrap yourself in a scarf and button up your coat with all the buttons.

Copying the most important
When putting together an image, it’s worth remembering that we are all different. You need to choose clothes for yourself, based on the type of figure, so you can allow for adjustments in the style or at all replace some details of the image. For example, instead of a suit with a skirt to wear a similar dress.

The image can be built around the most remarkable detail: it can be a print, accessories, jacket or jacket – something that catches the eye.

Copying celebrity images can be a great help in finding your own style, but it’s always better to take advice from professionals.